Stuff About Me
- My name is Sydnie Ann McConnell.
- I live in Greeley, Colorado.
- I live with Tina.
- She’s a brilliant HR person.
- She can fix anything.
- I moved in with her in late 1999.
- She can’t get rid of me.
- I also live with Tina’s son Jimmy.
- He goes to college.
- He’s good at chess.
- We make him pay us to play with him.
- Jimmy’s got a little girl named Madeline.
- She likes to help feed the dogs.
- I also live with a German Shephard mix named Stormy.
- Stormy’s diabetic.
- He gets insulin injections twice per day.
- I also live with a Miniature Schnauzer named Grover.
- Grover used to live with my brother’s family.
- My brother was too allergic, so Grover came to live with me.
- I also live with a cat named Dog.
- I took over feeding her in hopes that she would like me best.
- It didn’t work.
- I work in Fort Collins, Colorado.
- I do IT stuff at a high-tech manufacturing company.
- I used to do Finance stuff there.
- I’ve worked there since late 1999.
- I was born and raised in Rock Springs, Wyoming.
- Rock Springs is the home of 56 nationalities.
- I was part of the seventh generation of my family to be born and raised there.
- Here’s more stuff about the Rock Springs area.
- My parents live in Rock Springs.
- My brother and his family live in Rock Springs.
- My brother has a super cool wife.
- They have three daughters.
- The girls are so smart, adorable, fun, and brilliant!!
- I went to the University of Wyoming.
- My first degree is a B.A. in French.
- I thought I’d teach.
- My second degree is a B.S. in Accounting.
- Go Cowboys!!
- I like doing crafty things.
- I’m not usually very good at them.
- My current craft obsession is beading.
- I like to make my own jewelry.
- Nothing too fancy or woven or anything like that, though.
- I play World of Warcraft.
- It’s a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG).
- It might just be the geekiest thing I’ve ever taken up.
- One of the girls at work (Finance, not even IT!) got me into it.
- I’m mildly obsessive about shoe-shopping.
- I’m also mildly obsessive about lip-gloss shopping.
- I’m completely, hopelessly addicted to Diet Coke.
- More to come as I think of it…