Ha ha ha ha ha! I crack myself up.
So, it’s been a busy couple of weeks! After that lovely 2 week holiday shutdown, I went back to work. And guess what! It hasn’t slowed down.
Aside from work, I’ve been busy with some fun stuff too.
A couple of weekends ago, I got a text message from Miss Kylah asking if I wanted to meet them for lunch in Denver. Randy, Kylah, and Allison spent the night with Grandma Hope, and the next day I met them all for lunch and a little shopping. Kylah brought me an awesome present! She remembered me telling her how much I loved the awesome Cinnamon Crustos from Taco Time, so when she saw some cinnamon tortilla chips at the store, she got them for me (or, maybe, she talked her dad into getting them for me?)! Thanks Ky! They were super delicious! Rhiannon was hanging out with Grandma & Grandpa that weekend, and Kelly was busy putting together a baby room, so I missed seeing them! But it was great fun checking out Bass Pro Shop (we saw baby ducks!!), American Eagle, and Borders with them. After leaving them to do more shopping, I headed west to visit Grandma Hope for a little while. It’s always SO nice to see her! Hi Grandma! Love you much!!
Last weekend, after spending a day working on some horrendously overdue conference presentations, I went with Tina, Jimmy, and Madeline to spend a few hours at Dave & Buster’s. Jimmy is getting ready to leave for Army boot camp, so they wanted to hit a golf course (even if it was a “virtual” golf course!) before he left. I played a trivia game for a while and won LOTS of tickets (redeemable for fabulous prizes), but they didn’t have anything worth spending my tickets on. Next time, maybe!
Tina was struggling at Christmas time to figure out what to give Jimmy. With him leaving for boot camp soon (on Monday – January 25!), she didn’t want to get him stuff that he wouldn’t be able to take with him and use. So, she ended up deciding to take him to the mountains for a snowboard trip! So of course, I went along! We spend Monday and Tuesday nights in Breckenridge. Tina’s nephew Josh took a couple of days off work to give them lessons and try to keep them in an upright position. It was only their second time on snowboards, but Josh rides pretty much every day, so it was great for them to be able to go with him. I love Breck – fun town, fun shops, great restaurants, stunning landscapes… but not all fancy and expensive like some of Colorado’s other mountain towns. Plus, I firmly believe that every town should have a crafty store of some sort, and Breck has at least three! Aspen… one, and it’s open for like 2 hours a week. Thanks to my awesome knees and other joints, I can’t ski or ride, so I hung out with the dogs in the condo the first day (still working on those presentations!) and watched it snow. It was absolutely gorgeous. Tillie and Grover spent the day staring out the window and guarding me against the skiers, boarders, and wildlife they saw outside. Tillie growled at a fox – SO cute. Wednesday the pups and I did a lot of walking and shopping and freezing! I still haven’t found the perfect shoe for sightseeing…
Sunday will be (maybe) devoted to crafty stuff. I have truckloads of baby stuff to make, 4 pairs of pants to hem (I’m so not good at hemming…), I’m working on a scarf for myself that I may finish sometime this year, and I haven’t had my beading stuff out since sometime last year. Ooh, come to think of it… I haven’t sewn anything since last year either. 🙂